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25 Results

  • 12-24 Months - Separating

    A class geared to a specific age range (12-24 months), targeting the common concerns and needs of both parent and child. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Infant's age should fall into age range listed for this class on 9/1/24. Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month.
  • 18-36 Months - Separating

    A class geared to a specific age range (18-36 months), targeting the common concerns and needs of both parent and child. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Infant's age should fall into age range listed for this class on 9/1/24. Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month.

    If you need transportation to ECFE, please start here to select class type. Families will be contacted if we are able to provide you with transportation to a class. For Family Literacy, please follow this link. The following classes MAY have limited transportation. You'll be asked to let us know which classes would work for you when submitting your application here. Birth-Kindergarten (English): Monday 9:00-11:00 Belvidere (West Side) Tuesdays 10:00-12:00 Wheelock Tuesdays 5:00-6:00 Wheelock Thursdays 9:00-11:00 Highland Park Thursdays 9:30-11:30 EC Hub West Thursdays 4:30-6:00 Belvidere (West Side) Fridays 8:30-1030 Highwood Hills Fridays 9:30-11:30 Wheelock African American Families: Tuesdays 5:30-7:00 Rondo American Indian Families: Mondays 5:30-7:30 EC Hub West Hispanic and Latinx Communities (Spanish): Mondays 5:30-7:00 Belvidere (West Side) Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 Belvidere (West Side) Wednesdays 1:30-3:30 Highland Park Hmong/Hmoob Communities: Fridays 9:30-11:30 Somali/Soomaali Communities: Mondays 12:00-2:00 EC Hub West Tuesdays 9:00-11:00 Highwood Hills Karen Communities: Tuesdays 1:30-3:30 Wheelock Tuesdays 5:00-6:30 Wheelock Wednesdays 9:00-11:00 Wheelock Thursdays 5:30-7:00 Wheelock
  • African American Families (B-K)

    A Birth to Kindergarten class geared to meet the needs specific to the common concerns of African American parents and their children. A limited number of space is available for siblings through age 9 are welcome to register and attend with their family. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month.
  • American Indian Families (B-K)

    A Birth to Kindergarten class geared to meet the needs specific to the common concerns of American Indian parents and their children. A limited number of space is available for siblings through age 9 are welcome to register and attend with their family. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Limited transportation may be available for Saint Paul residents. Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month.
  • Artful Parenting (B-K)

    Connect with other families with young children (birth to kindergarten) through the arts. Playfully engage in art, including visual arts, performing arts, and more. Parenting time includes exploration of how the arts can help children grow both in their academic and social/emotional learning. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). This class requires a higher budget for supplies, when compared to other ECFE programs. Participants will be asked to consider a donation (likely $30-$35 per family) at the start of the class. Donations are optional but appreciated. Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month.
  • Birth to 12 Months - Non-Separating

    A class geared to a specific age range (Birth-12 months), targeting the common concerns and needs of both parent and child. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Infant's age should fall into age range listed for this class at the time of attendance. Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month.
  • Birth to 2 years - Non-Separating

    A class geared to a specific age range for Infants and toddlers (birth to 24 months), targeting the common concerns and needs of both parent and child. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Infant/Toddler's age should fall into age range listed for this class on 9/1/24. Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month.
  • Birth to 3 Years - Separating

    A class geared to a specific age range (Birth to 3 years), targeting the common concerns and needs of both parent and child. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Child's age should fall into age range listed for this class on 9/1/2024. Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month. Families may start anytime in November or December for the Thursday section only.
  • Birth-Kindergarten

    In Birth to Kindergarten classes, families and their young children come together to explore, play, and learn. Parent educators facilitate conversations on child development and ways to support children's growth and learning while building the parent/child relationship. Early childhood educators create and engage children in developmentally appropriate activities to support the specific needs and growth of all children, from B-K. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held FOR MOST CLASSES until the first class of the next month. Families may start right away in the following sections: WEST B-K Thu 930, All Belvidere Classes. TRANSPORTATION IS VERY LIMITED. If you require transportation, Register for the B-K (ALL TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS) and designate any/all class sections you're able to consistently attend. Families will be placed as possible. If you are able to provide your own transportation, please register for your first choice class and provide your own transportation.
  • Dads' Class (B-K)

    Engage with other dads in this class for fathers of birth to kindergarten children. Parent education topics will target common concerns for dads of young children. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month.
  • Waitlist
    Jessica Merz (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Expectant Parents

    First-time parents preparing to welcome a new infant will learn from a licensed Parent Educator about what they can expect when their little one enters the world. Families who have already welcomed their infants are invited to move their enrollments to another ECFE program. Upcoming classes are held online. A link will be sent to registered participants.
  • Family Literacy (B-K)

    Family Literacy allows parents and children to attend school together. Adults work on English Language Learning (ELL), and participate in parent education, while their children experience an early childhood education. Caregivers learning English attend 2 days a week with their children, who have not yet started Kindergarten. Caregivers must be beginner or intermediate levels (A or B) on the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS). Consistent attendance is required. Families apply in June, and complete CASAS testing in August/September. Accepted families will be placed in a class based on CASAS level, needs, and availability. Limited transportation is available. Openings will be filled throughout the year, as available. Hoob Family Literacy Hoob Family Literacy yog ib hoob qhia rau cov niam txiv uas tsis tau paub ntawv thiab paub lus Meskas zoo los yog English Language Learning (ELL) thiab muaj me nyuam mos txog rau kindergarten. Hoob no muaj kawm ob rau peb hnub tuaj ib as tiv. Thaum tuaj kawm lawm yauv tau tuaj kawm txhua lub sib hawm raws li muaj kawm. Yuav pib muaj cuv npe lub Rau hli ntuj ntawv. Thaum cuv npe tag lawm ces muaj mus xeem cov ntawv CASAS rau lub Yim hli thiab Rau hli ntuj ntawv. Qhov xeem no yuav qhia tau tias niam txiv paub ntawv paub lus Meskas ntau li cas thiaj li paub muab mus kawm raws lub cov hoob muaj. Yuav mauj tsheb tos raws li muaj rooj seem. Waxbarashada Qoysaska.(Family literacy) Waxbarashada Qoyska waxa ay u ogolaataa qoysaska ina ay si wadajir ah dugsiga u xaadiraan dhoor maalmood todobaadkii. Dadka waaweyn ee ku jira bilowga ama heerka dhexe ee luuqada Ingiriisiga waxa ay ka shaqeeyaan Barashada Luuqadda Ingiriisiga (ELL), waxaa ay sidoo kale ka qaybqaataan waxbarashada waalidka ee ku saabsan barbaarinta caruurta, halka carruurtoodu, da'doodu tahay dhalashada ilaa fasalka barbaarinta, ay la kulmaan waxbarashada carruurnimada hore. Imaansho joogto ah ayaa looga baahan yahay qoysaska. Qoysasku waxa ay codsanayaan ama is diiwaangelinayaan bisha lixaad (juun) , kadibna waxaa laga qaadayaa imtixaanka la yiraahdo CASAS bisha sideedaad(Agoosto) ama bisha sagaalaad(Sebtembar) si loo go'aamiyo heerkooda. Qoysaska la aqbalay waxaa lagu lagayn doonaa fasalada heerka imtixaamka CASAS, baahiyaha, iyo helitaanka. Alfabetización Familiar Alfabetización Familiar permite a las familias asistir juntas a la escuela varios días a la semana. Los adultos con niveles de Ingles de principiantes o intermedio trabajan en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés, y participan en la educación de los padres, mientras que sus hijos, desde el nacimiento hasta el ingreso al jardín de niños, experimentan la educación de la primera infancia. Se requiere de asistencia constante. Las familias presentaran su solicitud en junio y presentaran las pruebas CASAS en los meses de agosto/septiembre para determinar su nivel. Las Familias aceptadas serán ubicadas en clases de acuerdo con su nivel, las necesidades y disponibilidades de CASAS. Hay transporte disponible, pero es limitado.
  • Hispanic and Latinx Communities (B-K)

    A Birth to Kindergarten class which explores parenting and child development through a culturally specific lens. Classes include bilingual staff and/or interpretive support in the Spanish language. Siblings through age 9 are welcome to attend with families in the evening Spanish classes. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Limited transportation is available for the Wheelock class, and 2 of the 3 classes at Belvidere. View Transportation Boundaries HERE. Nacimiento a Kindergarten En las clases desde el Nacimiento a Kindergarten (B-K), las familias con sus niños pequeños se reúnen para explorar, jugar y aprender. Los educadores de padres facilitan conversaciones sobre el desarrollo infantil, formas de apoyar el crecimiento y aprendizaje de los niños mientras construyen la relación entre padres e hijos. Los educadores en la edad temprana involucran a los niños en actividades apropiadas para su desarrollo para apoyar las necesidades específicas de todos los niños desde el nacimiento hasta el kindergarten. Estas secciones ofrecen apoyo interpretativo en el idioma español y centran las perspectivas y experiencias de las comunidades hispana y latinx.
  • Hispanic and Latinx Communities (B-K) - Español

    A Birth to Kindergarten class which explores parenting and child development through a culturally specific lens. Classes include bilingual staff and/or interpretive support in the Spanish language. A limited number of space is available for siblings through age 9 are welcome to register and attend with their family. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month. TRANSPORTATION IS VERY LIMITED. If you require transportation, Register for HISPANIC and LATINX Communities (ALL TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS) and designate any/all class sections you're able to consistently attend. Families will be placed as possible. If you are able to provide your own transportation, please register for your first choice class and provide your own transportation. Nacimiento-Jardín de niños En las clases desde el nacimiento hasta el jardín de niños (B-K), las familias y sus niños pequeños se reúnen para explorar, jugar y aprender. Los educadores de padres facilitan las conversaciones en el desarrollo infantil y formas de apoyar el crecimiento y aprendizaje de los niños mientas construyen la relación entre padres e hijos. Los educadores en la edad temprana involucran a los niños en actividades apropiadas para el desarrollo para apoyar el crecimiento y las necesidades específicas en todos los niños, dese en nacimiento hasta el jardín de niños. Todas las familias con niños desde el nacimiento hasta el jardín de niños son bienvenidas en todas las clases B-K, las clases son impartidas en inglés, se proporciona apoyo en el idioma como se indica. EL TRANSPORTE ES MUY LIMITADO. Si necesita transporte, regístrese Hispanic and Latinx Communities (ALL TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS) (TODAS LAS SOLICITUDES DE TRANSPORTE) y designe cualquiera o todas las secciones de clase a las que pueda asistir constantemente. Las familias serán ubicadas como sea posible. Si puede proporcionar su propio transporte, regístrese en la clase de su primera elección y proporcione su propio transporte.
  • Hmong/Hmoob Community (B-K)

    A Birth to Kindergarten class which explores parenting and child development through a culturally specific lens. Classes include bilingual staff and/or interpretive support in the Hmong language. A limited number of space is available for siblings through age 9 are welcome to register and attend with their family. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month. TRANSPORTATION IS VERY LIMITED. If you require transportation, Register for the B-K (ALL TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS) and designate any/all class sections you're able to consistently attend. Families will be placed as possible. If you are able to provide your own transportation, please register for your first choice class and provide your own transportation. Hoob Me Nyuam Mos txog rau Kindergarten Hauv Hoob Me Nyuam Mos txog rau Kindergarten, niam txiv thiab me nyuam tuaj tshawb nrhiav kev kawm ua ke thiab kawm ua si. Tus xib fwb uas qhia niam txiv yuav qhia txog me nyuam kev loj hlob thiab qhia txoj kev txhawb nqa me nyuam mus rau txoj kev si raug zoo thiab kev si haum xeeb/kev si nkag siab tom vaj tom tsev. Tus xib fwb uas qhia cov me nyuam yuav qhia ntawv thiab qhia kev log hlob nrog rau kev ua si. Peb zoo siab txais txhua tsev neeg uas muaj me nyuam mos txog rau Kindergarten tuaj kawm cov hoob B-K. Cov hoob muaj qhia lus Meskas thiab lwm yam lus raws li muaj no.
  • Hybrid Birth- Kindergarten (B-K + Drop In)

    An open, hybrid program, combining our signature Birth-Kindergarten classes with our popular and flexible Drop-In programs. Families may register here and attend consistently, or attend without registering, as it works for your family, and sign in only when attending class. Families attending regularly will work with ECFE staff to create a separation plan for Parent Education. Drop In families may stay with their children in the play spaces, or work toward separation, depending on attendance and family needs.
  • Karen Community (B-K)

    A Birth to Kindergarten class which explores parenting and child development through a culturally specific lens. Classes include bilingual staff and/or interpretive support in the Karen language. Siblings through age 9 are welcome to attend with families in the evening Karen Class. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Limited transportation is available for Saint Paul residents. View Transportation Boundaries HERE.
  • Karen Community (B-K)

    A Birth to Kindergarten class which explores parenting and child development through a culturally specific lens. Classes include bilingual staff and/or interpretive support in the Karen language. A limited number of space is available for siblings through age 9 are welcome to register and attend with their family. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month. Transportation is very limited. If you have no other way to participate, please register for the TRANSPORTATION NEEDED class and we will contact you.
  • LGBTQ+ Families (B-K)

    A Birth to Kindergarten class geared to meet the needs specific to the common concerns of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer + parents and their children. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month.
  • Preschool Song Book Printable (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Musical Me

    Explore the benefits of music beyond just learning notes and rhythm. Music supports every aspect of a child’s development and helps build essential foundational skills for learning. When introduced in a fun and engaging way, music encourages children to sing, speak, move, and interact creatively.
  • New Baby Celebration (INFO ONLY)

    THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FULL. PLEASE SIGN UP HERE. Join our NEW BABY CELEBRATION! for families with infants ages Birth - 9 months. Learn about ECFE parent-child classes. Join us for songs, books, prizes, and refreshments. This Event is FREE. Dates are expected to be added throughout the year. THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FULL. PLEASE SIGN UP HERE.
  • Practice for Pre-K (2-Day)

    A (2) day class for 3-5 year olds, must be 3 years by 9/1/24. Parent attends with child on Parent Ed Day (with sibling care - through age 3), the other day parent drops off 3-5 year old (no sibling care). Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month.
  • Somali/Soomaali Community (B-K)

    This Birth to Kindergarten class explores parenting and child development through a culturally specific lens, while offering English language practice for Somali speaking families. Classes include bilingual staff and/or interpretive support in the Somali language. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Registrations received after 10/20/24 will be held until the first class of the next month. TRANSPORTATION IS VERY LIMITED. If you require transportation, Register for the B-K (ALL TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS) and designate any/all class sections you're able to consistently attend. Families will be placed as possible. If you are able to provide your own transportation, please register for your first choice class and provide your own transportation. Dhalashada ilaa xanaanada(kindergarten) Fasalada dhalashada ilaa barbaarinta qoysaska iyo caruurtooda yaryar waa ay isu yimaadaan si ay u sahmiyaan, u ciyaaraan oona wax u bartaan. Macalimiinta waalidiinta waxa ay fududeeyaan wada sheekeeysiga ku saabsan korriinka caruurta iyo siyaabaha lagu taageerayo koritaanka iyo wax barashada caruurta ayadoo la dhisaayo xiriirka waalidka iyo caruurta. Macalimiinta caruurta yar yar waxa ay ka hawl geliyaan caruurta wax qabadyo ama ciyaaro koritaan ahaan ku haboon si ay utaageeraan baahiyaha gaarka ah iyo koritaanka dhamaan caruurta laga bilaabo dhalashada ilaa barbaarinta ama xanaanada. Dhamaan qoysaska heesta caruurta dadoodu tahay dhalashada ilaa barbaarinta waxaa lagu soo dhaweynayaa fasalada dhalashada ilaa barbaarinta(xanaanada). Fasalada waxaa wax lagu baraa afka ingiriiska laakiin waxaa ay leeyihiin turjumaan kataageero xaga luuqadda hadii loo baahdo. GAADIIDKA AAD AYUUUYARYAHAY AMAU XADIDAN YAHAY. Haddii aad u baahan tahay gaadiid, Iska diwaangelifasalka dhalashada- barbaarinta ama xanaanada (Birth-Kindergarten), (Dhammaan CODSIGA GAADIIDKA) oo magacowqaybta amadhammaan qaybaha fasalkaeeaad si joogto ah usooxaadiri karto. Qoysaska waxaa fasalada loo gayn doonaa sida ugu haboon ama ugu macquulsan. Haddii aadgaadiid heli karto oo aad iskuulka adiga imaan karto dooro fasalka dooqaada ah oo iska diiwaan geli. Mahadsanid!