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4 Results

  • Dads' Class (B-K)

    Engage with other dads in this class for fathers of birth to kindergarten children. Parent education topics will target common concerns for dads of young children. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button).
  • African American Families (B-K)

    A Birth to Kindergarten class geared to meet the needs specific to the common concerns of African American parents and their children. A limited number of space is available for siblings through age 9 are welcome to register and attend with their family. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button).
  • Hispanic and Latinx Communities (B-K) - Español

    A Birth to Kindergarten class which explores parenting and child development through a culturally specific lens. Classes include bilingual staff and/or interpretive support in the Spanish language. A limited number of space is available for siblings through age 9 are welcome to register and attend with their family. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). TRANSPORTATION IS VERY LIMITED. If you require transportation, Register for HISPANIC and LATINX Communities (ALL TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS) and designate any/all class sections you're able to consistently attend. Families will be placed as possible. If you are able to provide your own transportation, please register for your first choice class and provide your own transportation. Nacimiento-Jardín de niños En las clases desde el nacimiento hasta el jardín de niños (B-K), las familias y sus niños pequeños se reúnen para explorar, jugar y aprender. Los educadores de padres facilitan las conversaciones en el desarrollo infantil y formas de apoyar el crecimiento y aprendizaje de los niños mientas construyen la relación entre padres e hijos. Los educadores en la edad temprana involucran a los niños en actividades apropiadas para el desarrollo para apoyar el crecimiento y las necesidades específicas en todos los niños, dese en nacimiento hasta el jardín de niños. Todas las familias con niños desde el nacimiento hasta el jardín de niños son bienvenidas en todas las clases B-K, las clases son impartidas en inglés, se proporciona apoyo en el idioma como se indica. EL TRANSPORTE ES MUY LIMITADO. Si necesita transporte, regístrese Hispanic and Latinx Communities (ALL TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS) (TODAS LAS SOLICITUDES DE TRANSPORTE) y designe cualquiera o todas las secciones de clase a las que pueda asistir constantemente. Las familias serán ubicadas como sea posible. Si puede proporcionar su propio transporte, regístrese en la clase de su primera elección y proporcione su propio transporte.
  • Birth-Kindergarten

    In Birth to Kindergarten classes, families and their young children come together to explore, play, and learn. Parent educators facilitate conversations on child development and ways to support children's growth and learning while building the parent/child relationship. Early childhood educators create and engage children in developmentally appropriate activities to support the specific needs and growth of all children, from B-K. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). TRANSPORTATION IS VERY LIMITED. If you require transportation, Register for the B-K (ALL TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS) and designate any/all class sections you're able to consistently attend. Families will be placed as possible. If you are able to provide your own transportation, please register for your first choice class and provide your own transportation.