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3 Results

  • Artful Parenting (B-K)

    Connect with other families with young children (birth to kindergarten) through the arts. Playfully engage in art, including visual arts, performing arts, and more. Parenting time includes exploration of how the arts can help children grow both in their academic and social/emotional learning. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Saturday Artful Parenting: A school age opportunity is being developed to pair with Artful Parenting class times. Saturday registrants will be contacted about that opportunity.
  • African American Families (B-K)

    A Birth to Kindergarten class geared to meet the needs specific to the common concerns of African American parents and their children. Siblings through age 9 are welcome to attend with families. Online enrollments MUST include at least one adult AND at least one child (look for the "Relationships" button). Limited transportation is available for Saint Paul residents.
  • ECFE Language Learners (B-K)

    Language Learners classes in the ECFE program offer an opportunity for parents to build their English language skills during parent learning time. Practice learning English while discussing parenting topics. Early childhood educators create and engage children in developmentally appropriate activities. Parents are encouraged to access English language learning classes through the HUBBS Center. Online enrollments MUST include at least one parent AND at least one child birth to kindergarten (look for the "Relationships" button). All ECFE Language Learners classes have limited transportation available, within limited areas. View Transportation Boundaries HERE. Hoob Kawm Lus Askiv Hoob kawm lus Askiv hauv ECFE qhia niamtxiv kawm thiab hais lus Askiv kom pab ntxiv rau nws tus kheej. Niamtxiv kawm lus Askiv thiab kawm txog kev qhuab qhia menyuam loj hlob. Yog niamtxiv xav paub thiab kawm lus Askiv ntau tshaj li qhov peb qhia no ces mus kawm nyob rau HUBBS Center los tau ib yam. Cov hoob uas kawm lus Askiv muaj tsheb npav tos tiamsi yuav tsis txhua suav daws yog li ntawv yuav tau cuv npe kom ntxov. Waalidka Luuqadda Baranaya. Fasalada Bartayaasha Luuqadda ee Barnaamijka ECFE waxay waalidiinta siiyaan fursad ay ku dhistaan xirfadahooda luuqadda Ingiriisiga inta lagu guda jiro wakhtiga waxbarashada waalidka. Waxay ku celceliyaan barashada luuqada Ingiriisiga iyagoo sahaminaya dhaqamada ugu wanaagsan ee caruur barbaarinta. Waalidiinta waxaa lagu dhiirigelinayaa inay tagaan xarumaha lagu barto luqadda Ingiriisiga ayagoo umaraya xarunta HUBBS Center. Macalimiinta carruurta yaryar waxay abuuraan oona ka hawlgeliyaan carruurta waxqabadyada ama ciyaaraha korriinka caruurta yaryar ku habboon. Dhammaan fasalada waalidka luuqada Barta ee ECFE malaha gaadiid kufilan sidaas darteed hadii uu gaadiidka buuxo qoysaska ayagaa iskood u imaanayaan xarumaha hadii eey awoodaan. Estudiantes Aprendiendo el Idioma Las clases de Estudiantes Aprendiendo el Idioma en ECFE ofrecen la oportunidad para que los padres desarrollen sus habilidades en el idioma inglés durante el tiempo de aprendizaje de los padres. Ellos practican aprendiendo inglés mientras exploran las mejores prácticas en la crianza de los niños. Se les anima a los padres a acceder a las clases del aprendizaje del idioma inglés atreves del Centro HUBBS. Los educadores de la edad temprana crean e involucran a los niños en actividades apropiadas para su desarrollo. La transportación para las clases de Aprendiendo inglés es limitada