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Classes for Youth / Arts & Music -
Winter 2025 - Youth

Grades 2-5. Experience the joy of music by singing with a choir! We'll learn how to use and care for our voices as instruments, singing a wide range of songs with a focus on in-tune singing, harmony, and musical expression. Reading music is not required for this class.

Sliding FeesOur model for program pricing ensures that our high-quality enrichment classes are more accessible to our community members. We encourage participants to choose the price that they are able to pay. This structure helps our programs be financially sustainable and more equitable.

Stephanie Bowron

Stephanie has served St Paul Public Schools in various roles since 2010: as staff accompanist, artist-in-residence, contractor, and most recently, K-5 classroom music teacher in both Horace Mann and Randolph Heights Elementaries. She sang in and accompanied choirs from middle school through college, and has always loved making music with young people. She co-leads a monthly singalong at an adult mental health residence just for fun, and finds something to enjoy in every kind of music.

1922WA Closed

  Stephanie Bowron

Horace Mann Elementary School : 1108 Library/IMC
Thursdays, Jan 30 - Mar 20
2:20 - 3:10 PM


Grades   2nd - 5th

Online registration is over