SPPS Community Education offers a variety of classes designed for adults with developmental disabilities to explore interests, meet with peers, have fun and learn new skills!
School Age Child Care
Where families learn & grow together.
1/2 Day Nature-based Pre-K
Weave reeds into a basket for you, or to gift to a friend! Reeds are provided. Other supplies will need to be brought to class - view full list online.
Bring a bucket or a bin large enough to hold a 15-inch square basket in water, a towel, clip clothespins, a measuring tape and scissors.
Mary-Benton Hummel, seriously over-educated with six college degrees and working on a seventh, has been teaching with Community Education since 1980. Best known for her Cemetery Walking Tour, she also offers a smorgasbord of classes in other areas such as knitting, letterpress printing, basketry, and pop-up cards. She loves to teach, sharing anything she knows on almost any subject, and enjoys watching the toads that have taken residence in one of her window wells.
Mary Benton Hummel
Full - waiting list