SPPS Community Education offers a variety of classes designed for adults with developmental disabilities to explore interests, meet with peers, have fun and learn new skills!
School Age Child Care
Where families learn & grow together.
1/2 Day Nature-based Pre-K
Has winter left you bored witless without dirt to dig in? Are you an apartment dweller looking to add some literal life to your home? Walk through how to care for various houseplants and receive some suggestions for plants you might want to try. Green thumb not required.
Mary-Benton Hummel, seriously over-educated with six college degrees, has been teaching with Community Education since 1980. Best known for her Cemetery Walking Tour, she also offers a smorgasbord of classes in other areas such as knitting, letterpress printing, basketry, and pop-up cards. She loves to teach and will share anything she knows on almost any subject. Mary-Benton has chipmunks living under her back porch.
Mary Benton Hummel