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  • Beginner Oil Painting

    Learn the fundamentals of oil painting, including mastery of tools and materials and the basic tenets of art. Work from a still life using a limited palette, learning techniques from the masters! Come ready to explore this exciting and colorful medium! This class has a supply list to purchase before class. Supplies: Oil Paint 37ml tubes, any brand (Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Yellow Light, Ultramarine Blue, Phthalo Blue, Titanium White, Burnt Sienna) Blick Masterstroke Interlocking Bristle Brushes (Bright, Long Handle, Sizes 2, 4, 8, 10), (Filbert, Long Handle, Sizes 4, 12), (Round, Long Handle, Sizes 1, 2, 4) Studio or Value grade canvases & panels Panels: Economy Bulk set of 9”x12” Canvas: 1- 16”x20” 1- Disposable Palette pad, 16”x20” 1-118ml bottle Turpenoid (not turpentine), or equivalent odorless solvent 1 roll Paper towels or old cut up t-shirt 1 set plastic painting knives/palette knife 1-75ml bottle Winsor & Newton Liquin 1-8oz bottle Linseed oil 1- Silicoil Brush Cleaning Tank 1-8oz Bristle Magic Brush Cleaner or equivalent 1 Bamboo Brush holder 1 Palette cup, small, double